Using Sign-Up Sheets
How you can play a vital role in helping IFPB build a larger national movement while strengthening your local contacts as well.
Click here to download IFPB sign-up sheets
This is a crucial piece of IFPB’s outreach. You can be very important in helping us reach more people for the delegations by passing around this sheet at speaking events and mailing it back to us.
You don’t have to force anyone to sign it (of course), but make the sheet available and encourage people who want to learn more about the issue to signup. Once we get the sheet back from you, we’ll email (or mail) those interested with a welcome letter telling them more about our work.
Even after signing up, people can always elect to stop receiving information from us at any time. And we only send 1-2 emails a month, so we won’t fill up inboxes.
And you should feel free to keep the contacts for your local organizing efforts as well. This can be a great way to build up your local networks and find others interested in continuing to work for justice in the Middle East.
A few other pointers:
- Pass the sheet around as opposed to leaving it on a display table. People often miss signup sheets on tables….if you pass it around everyone will have a chance to see it and possibly sign-up.
- Oftentimes it helps to ‘start the sheet’ by filling in your own contact information on the first line. This will give people a model of what to do. Seems simple…but it works!
- Send the sheet to IFPB right after your event. It will help people remember the event and connect to us if they hear from us shortly after they first attend your event.
Thanks for helping us expand our networks and bring the transformative work of the delegations to others! We couldn't do it without you.
Click here to download IFPB sign-up sheets