March 7-8, 2010 · Washington, DC

5 Ways to Act Now!

The second Grassroots Advocacy Training and Lobby Day organized by Interfaith Peace-Builders and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation has ended as another success!

Approximately 150 people from almost 30 states came to Washington to learn important skills for their activism and engage their congressional representatives on important issues of public policy.

Participants held nearly 60 meetings with congressional offices and pursued clear policy objectives of ending the siege of Gaza, conditioning military aid to Israel, and investigating Israeli violations of US law.

You can continue the important work we began in DC! Below are resources and opportunities to take action and learn more. There is no better time than now to act and no time to lose. Be the change you want to see!

1. Organize a Meeting with your Members of Congress During Spring Recess

March 29 - April 9, 2010 is Spring Recess for congress and your representatives will be home in your district. Act now to book a meeting and take our asks directly to the decision makers. Assemble a delegation of concerned constituents and download our Congressional Advocacy Packet with the full lists of asks.

Click here for tips on how to conduct a meeting with your Members of Congress (including a template meeting request for email and fax).

Click here to download Congressional Advocacy Packets and other information from the Grassroots Advocacy Training and Lobby Day.

Click here to view video of US Campaign Congressional Advocacy Coordinator, Josh Ruebner introducing the policy asks

2. Join the Congressional District Coordinator Network

The best way to remain active and engaged in legislative advocacy is to join the Congressional District Coordinator network. An initiative of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, the CDC Network is supported by numerous members of the coalition, including Interfaith Peace-Builders. Take a leadership role in organizing locally for national change by joining the CDC today.

Click here for more information and to find out what it takes to be a Congressional District Coordinator.

3. Organize a Tax Day Action Outside your Local Post Office

On April 15, last-minute tax filers line up at local post offices to get their tax returns in before the deadline, and local newspapers and TV stations often show up to interview people. This is a great opportunity to organize an action outside of your local post office and educate the people waiting in line how their tax dollars are being used.

If you are arranging a Tax Day action or educational event, please post it to the website of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (select "Tax Day Event"). You can also send us a press release or other details and photos and video from your events afterward so that we can post them to the website.

Join member groups of the US Campaign for a conference call on Thursday, March 18, 9PM Eastern, to build your skills for taking action around Tax Day.  Click here to sign up for this free call. 

4. Organize for an End to Military Aid to Israel

Get a free organizing packet from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation --complete with postcards to President Obama, petitions to Congress, fliers, and factsheets -- so that you can organize people in your community to challenge military aid to Israel

Click here to get an organizing packet today.

5. Join an upcoming Interfaith Peace-Builders Delegation to Palestine/Israel

Take your advocacy to the next level by joining Interfaith Peace-Builders in our unique delegations. As Israel continues its crackdown on nonviolent leaders and human rights activists, the work of IFPB takes on new importance. Travel with us to meet the organizers and advocates at the forefront of the struggle for peace with justice in Israel/Palestine.

Since 2000, Interfaith Peace-Builders has sent over 500 people (students, educators, working professionals, activists, retirees) on 32 fact-finding delegations to Israel/Palestine. Today, our delegations continue as a testament to the transformative power of learning directly from those living in Israel/Palestine. Travel with us to learn more, gain skills for advocacy on this issue, and meet and network with organizations and individuals working in Israel/Palestine.

Interfaith Peace-Builders is organizing two delegations this summer:

Click here to learn more about upcoming Interfaith Peace-Builders delegations and download applications


A special thanks to everyone who attended and supported the 2010 Grassroots Advocacy Training and Lobby Day. Events like this are one of many steps towards an end to the Israeli occupation and an peaceful and just resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

See the menu above for links to photos, video, packets and workshop materials, and more. This event would not be possible without your support. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Interfaith Peace-Builders to continue our important work.

Thanks to the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and all the endorsing organizations. Stay tuned for more action items and follow-up from the Grassroots Advocacy Training and Lobby Day.


Our low volume listserve provides first-hand accounts of nonviolent leaders on the ground and their meetings with IFPB delegates, as well as action items and opportunities to join our movement.



Nothing better prepares activists to work on the conflict than eyewitness experience. Your donation will further the education and engagement of new participants and build a larger, more diverse movement! Click here to donate online.

Donate for Scholarships: There are many enthusiastic people who want to go on a delegation but cannot afford it. Your donation to IFPB’s Scholarship Fund will directly assist young people, low income activists, people of color, and interfaith leaders who want to participate in our work. Click here to donate online.


Your participation as an eyewitness will enrich your understanding of the conflict and empower your work back in the United States! Click here for information on upcoming delegations.

This event sponsored by:
Interfaith Peace-Builders and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

Endorsed by:
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, The American Friends Service Committee - Chicago, CODEPINK: Women for Peace, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Holy Land Trust, the Islamic Circle of North America, ICNA Council for Social Justice, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions - USA, Jewish Voice for Peace, the Middle East Research and Information Project, the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, Progressive Democrats of America, the Washington Peace Center.