Sharing the Story of Peace
Help IFPB Use Technology to Tell These Stories
Storytelling can take many forms and unfold over many different mediums. Do you believe in the power of storytelling? IFPB envisions a future, not too far away, where our staff and delegates can utilize the latest technologies to share these stories by employing video, webinar, social media and other tools. Interfaith Peace-Builders delegate Ralph Watkins put together a series of beautiful short films during IFPB's May 2013 delegation featuring the work of our Palestinian and Israeli partners. Do you want more? Watch the clips below and decide for yourself: |
Ralph's videos capture IFPB's story in ways rarely before accomplished, helping many more individuals share in the experience of the delegates and catch a rare glimpse into the work of our Palestinian and Israeli partners.
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Improving our strategic use of communications planning and technologies will bring IFFB’s work to untold thousands more and greatly enhance our inspiring model of transformative delegations leading to movement building for justice.
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These videos are not the only way the delegates employed technology to widen the scope of their work and reach countless more people than otherwise possible. Delegates on IFPB's May 2013 trip also tweeted their experiences and reactions, posted photos on facebook, recorded audio for radio broadcasts, and more.
Click Here to Donate to the Matching Challenge
Video, social media, and other technologies are pieces of a strategy which needs your support to succeed. Improving our strategic use of communications planning and technologies will bring IFFB’s work to untold thousands more and greatly enhance our inspiring model of transformative delegations leading to movement building for justice.
To meet this challenge, we will need every one of Interfaith Peace-Builders’ generous supporters (and some new ones too) to make a meaningful and extra-ordinary one-time gift – in addition to any planned regular giving this year.
More than a delegation program, IFPB encourages and supports civic engagement and movement building. Meeting this challenge now is the next step forward in our work.
We only have until October 15, 2013!
Make your tax-deductible donation today to help us
meet the Matching ChallengeClick here to read more about the Matching Challenge and IFPB's vision of growth